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Who do we reach with the Company Growth Podcast?

The Company Growth Podcast tells stories of companies who overcame tough growing pains to find success. Our content is aimed at salespeople for large companies who are looking for ways to gain an edge and help grow revenue at their companies. They are often people who are thinking of buying HubSpot, who are deepening their connection to HubSpot, or who looking for a inbound  and sales growth agency to help them maximize the potential of their HubSpot.  

The Company Growth Podcast Stats

Total followers: 500
With your help: Let's hit 5000 followers!


Impressions in the last six months: 18,000+
With your help: Let's get hundreds of thousands of impressions!


Total views: 5000+
With your help: Let's quadruple this number!


Company Growth Podcast's Best Work... So Far

Listen to a selection of our top-performing podcast content below - and this is what we did on the side! With your production resources, and our shared multi-channel cross-marketing, we can attract a larger audience.

Choose Your Level: Podcast Sponsorship Packages

Trial Level Sponsor

Partner Level Sponsor

Friend of the Pod Level Sponsor

Master of Growth Level Sponsor

For companies looking to sponsor 1 episode on all digital channels. Trial Level Sponsorship gives you:
  • 1 episode run
  • Media Kit
  • Shared audience advertising
  • SMM & SEO promotion year round
  • 1 episode logo sponsorship on all digital channels and products for that episode
  • Long term life - the longer the episode lives online, the more money and awareness those episodes generate
  • Media kit to help you promote the episode (includes collateral)
  • Advertise to our shared audience or Sponsor a Paid Media Campaign to reach beyond both of our networks
  • SMM & SEO promotion year round
  • Audio: promo codes as calls to action with soundbyte 
For companies looking to sponsor 3 episodes on all digital channels. Partner Level Sponsorship gives you:
  • Baked-in, host-written review and product placement ad. Host shares personal story of why I like the concept of the brand
  • 7 week Competitive separation
  • 3 Show - long term life
  • 3 show campaign sponsorship
  • SMM & SEO promotion year round (1 x quarterly)
For companies looking to sponsor 7 episodes on all digital channels. Friend of the Pod Level Sponsorship gives you: 
  • Limited Series (7 episodes) Includes content dedicated to your interests and our shared audience.
  • sponsored content
  • personal interview
  • Pick your customers to be on the show: use the episodes as a kiss and a cuddle because it’s free marketing for your customers.
  • Sales outreach to help select your ideal fit prospects to join panel discussions
  • SMM & SEO promotion year round
For companies looking to sponsor 13 episodes on all digital channels. Master of Growth Sponsorship gives you:
  • Season sponsorship on 13 episodes based on your interests
  • Content Collaboration
  • Pick your show guest
  • Sales Outreach
  • SMM & SEO promotion year round
  • Storied content so your business is not presented like an “ad” but focuses on the growing pains your company solves.
  • Dedicated SEO research
  • Content to own for ongoing podcast promotion including files dedicated to your co-host of the show